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NCA Snapshot

Edition 4: December 2023

The year that was: NCA achievements for 2023 

Completion of the Community Electric Vehicle Transition Plan


During the year, we completed work on our ground-breaking Community Electric Vehicle Transition Plan. This comprehensive plan is the result of a collaborative effort to develop an evidence-based, detailed plan for supporting

lower-emissions transport options for the community, businesses and Councils across Melbourne’s north. Funded by the Northern Metropolitan Partnership, it presents a series of recommendations for all levels of government and the region. The plan highlights that simply fuel switching cars is not going to meet overall transport emissions reduction goals. A key opportunity it identifies is the role that delivery of a comprehensive active transport network must play a part in creating

a sustainable transport future.


Launch of the EV report and our transport advocacy platform


In October, we officially launched our Electric Vehicle Plan and transport

advocacy priorities at Uni Hill Conference Centre. Attended by over 120

people, including Mayors, CEOs and regional decision-makers, the event

successfully highlighted the importance of improving all forms of

transport across the region. Guest speaker Steven Burgess, Australasia’s

leading voice on people-focused urban movement systems and places,

provided further insight into what makes a place great.


Meetings with Members of Parliament


Throughout the year we continued our advocacy work on behalf of Melbourne’s north. A number of key meetings with state and federal government Ministers and advisors gave us the opportunity to speak with decision makers and raise their awareness about regional issues.











Regular NCA meetings


The achievements of the NCA would not be possible without commitment and collaboration from each member Council. During the year the NCA Forum, comprising the Mayor and CEO from each member Council, met quarterly and the NCA CEO Group met monthly to oversee delivery of agreed projects and activities. Each project also has an active working group made up of subject matter experts from Councils. They met as needed to achieve project goals.


NCA Snapshot (e-news)


Last but not least, the NCA developed this e-newsletter to keep our stakeholders up to date with all NCA information. Released quarterly (or as needed), this newsletter is distributed to approximately 330 people, with our subscribers growing rapidly.  


In 2024, we will be highlighting Council's work in delivering projects. 


Our members

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