Melbourne's North
A strongly performing Melbourne’s north will have positive flow-on effects for neighbouring regions and those further afield.
Melbourne's north
Melbourne’s north is growing and changing. Today we are home to over one million people.
Even the most conservative forecasting has our overall growth increasing by around 44 per cent by 2036. By then, our regional population will be just under 1.5 million people.
We account for over 20 per cent of Melbourne’s total population, from our bustling inner suburbs through to the homes under construction in newly established areas. Our region’s urban structure has changed over the last 20 years due to expansion of the growth boundary. The majority of our new residents will be accommodated across the Northern Growth Corridor.
Our region is known for its diversity.
35 per cent of our residents speak a second language
approximately 30 per cent were born overseas in non-English speaking countries
40 per cent of our population is under the age of 29
60 per cent of our people are of working age.
Home to Melbourne Airport, we are a strong and productive region – generating around $40 billion worth of goods and services, and growing by 4.7 per cent every year.
Data on our region is available here.

Our region, our vision
At the NCA, we work with all levels of government, the private sector and our communities to ensure our residents have access to all services and are able to reach their full potential.
Our municipalities are home to a large number of residents employed in professional services, yet the majority of these residents have to go outside our region to find employment.
Combined with a heavier reliance on driving to work than Greater Melbourne, our residents face longer than average commute times and limited access to employment across the region.
Within our communities there are identified pockets of disadvantage along with limited employment access and choice.
Proper investment will see our region deliver on a range of initiatives to support our growing community.